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Rebels Remembered : Two Years Later

Hello There!  Wow, it's been a while since I've posted on here! I'm excited to share this little podcast episode with you all though, last year I wrote this blog post all about Star Wars Rebels and you can find it here , however, I'm super excited to do a podcast episode this year! You can find it on Itunes, Google Podcasts, and Spotify by searching 'The Rogue Fangirls' or by clicking here ! Enjoy and May The Force Be With You!        ~ Kat ~
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Hello There! So, with the new year starting out Iā€™ve been taking initiative to really grow ā€œThe Rogue Fangirlsā€ I have met many incredible people through Star Wars and I truly enjoy being a part of this community. However, as many of you who own blogs, podcasts and the like may know, the more you try to improve oftentimes the more costly things can be. Itā€™s hard to find a place to host your podcast for free, and equipment isnā€™t cheap. So Iā€™ve decided to take another step to further my goals and open a Patreon. For those of you who may not know about Patreon, itā€™s a site where people (like you) can support creators (like me) by pledging a certain amount of money each month, and in return, the creators can offer special content or privileges to those who are going an extra step to help support them. Now, that being said, I expect nothing. The mere fact that people follow me or listen to my podcast is enough motivation to keep me going, but for anyone who is able and willing to go the e...

This Is The Way : The Mandalorian Season One Review

Kat sits down to revive the Rogue Fangirls Podcast, talk about Season one of "The Mandalorian", and look forward to season two in the autumn!

One Year of Rogue Fangirls!

Hey Everyone!     Katie here! Today marks the one year birthday of The Rogue Fangirls! So to celebrate, I'm going to be talking about two of my favorite moments in (mostly) Star Wars over the past year! Before I get started though, I'd like to thank all of you for your support! Whether you've been here since that first podcast last year or you've discovered Rogue Fangirls recently your support is so important and very much appreciated! Without friends and followers, there wouldn't be any Rogue Fangirls, so I very much appreciate all of you who support us! Star Wars Celebration Alright, you probably guessed it. The biggest moment for me this year was being given a press pass for Star Wars Celebration Chicago and getting to experience that! It was such a wonderful time! While I don't think I'll be able to come to Celebration Anaheim I hope that Celebration Chicago won't be the last one I attend. While people who had attended Celebrations in the p...

Interview with Athena Portillo

Hey, everyone!     Katie here! So, a few days ago I posted saying I had something excited coming, and here it is! A few weeks ago I reached out to Athena Portillo, one of the producers for  Star Wars: Resistance  and just the other day I had the opportunity to chat with her for a bit!     Athena is one of the sweetest people I've ever talked to and I was so grateful to her for making time in her busy schedule to talk with me! Fun fact, I actually didn't really know much of anything about Athena until Star Wars Celebration Chicago, while there I attended the Sisters of The force panel (Which was fantastic and inspiring and if you haven't watched the video of it I would definitely recommend going and looking it up!) But anyway, after hearing Athena talk on the panel I really began to grow more and more interested in talking to her and learning more about her, her story, and her job. So, I was very, very excited when I was able to talk to her a bit last we...

Why Rose Tico is a Character I Love

Hey Everyone!       Katie here! I'm sorry it's been so long since I've posted here on the blog or really even on Instagram. Although I got the chance to be on one of my absolute favorite podcasts recently, The Dorky Diva Show!! You can listen to that episode here and if you don't already listen to the show be sure to check it out! Savanna and Brian are wonderful and the show is so fun to listen too!     Anyways, one of the reasons I haven't been as active on here as I would like to be is because I've just been feeling very uninspired and feeling like I don't belong in some of the circles I'm a part of. One thing that helps me a lot when I'm walking through a hard time is just to listen to a lot of music and read a lot, so of course, I found myself doing that. But it wasn't until today that one character, in particular, stuck out to me. Rose Tico.     Now, Rose Tico is a very controversial character at the moment. Most people either lov...

Star Wars Celebration Chicago

Hey everyone! Katie here!     It's been about a week since Star Wars Celebration Chicago ended and it's time for me put up a blog post summarizing the amazing weekend! This was my first experience with Star Wars Celebration and with conventions in general and it didn't disappoint! I had such a wonderful time and it was even better then I was expecting! Getting a Media Badge was such a blessing and surprise and I couldn't be more thankful for it!           Panels    Unfortunately, our train was late Friday morning and we did miss the Episode Nine panel, but we were able to watch a good part of the live stream which was awesome! The trailer was absolutely incredible and filled me with so many emotions, I'm not normally the kind of person who cries over movies but I have to admit I teared up at the end. I cannot wait to see what J.J. Abrams has been working on alongside such an incredible cast!     Even if the Sequel trilogy ...