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Star Wars Celebration Chicago

Hey everyone! Katie here!

    It's been about a week since Star Wars Celebration Chicago ended and it's time for me put up a blog post summarizing the amazing weekend! This was my first experience with Star Wars Celebration and with conventions in general and it didn't disappoint! I had such a wonderful time and it was even better then I was expecting! Getting a Media Badge was such a blessing and surprise and I couldn't be more thankful for it!


  Unfortunately, our train was late Friday morning and we did miss the Episode Nine panel, but we were able to watch a good part of the live stream which was awesome! The trailer was absolutely incredible and filled me with so many emotions, I'm not normally the kind of person who cries over movies but I have to admit I teared up at the end. I cannot wait to see what J.J. Abrams has been working on alongside such an incredible cast!
    Even if the Sequel trilogy hasn't always been my favorite I'm excited to witness the end of this Saga. Star Wars is a story that I love, and have loved for a long time, so it's bittersweet to be witnessing the end of an era.
    While we didn't make it to the Rise of Skywalker panel we did make it to the Schmoedown on the fan stage, the Rebels Panel, Clone Wars panel, Sisters of the Force Panel, and the Phantom Menace 20th anniversary panel! We also caught a good part of Alan Tudyk's panel and Warwick Davis' short story panel!
    The Schmoedown was super fun to watch and I surprised myself by being able to answer a majority of the questions correctly even without studying intensively like the contestants had.
    The Rebels panel was a long wait in the morning, but even though my app was broken and I hadn't been able to reserve a spot we were still allowed in (they let the reserved people in first and then the people who had just been waiting in line) the wait was completely worth it and the panel was incredible. Hearing some of the cast and Dave talk about the show and some of their behind the scenes stories an experience was awesome!
    The Sisters of the Force panel was just incredible! Hearing everyone share their stories was incredibly touching and it was a very emotional panel. So many of them shared stories of people who impacted or touched their lives and a few people shared stories of obstacle they had overcome in their lives to get to where they are today. It was very inspiring and touching and I'm so glad I didn't miss it!

    The Clone Wars panel... The Clone Wars panel was incredible! Hearing stories from Ashley, Dee, and Sam was awesome and Dave's reactions to everything was even better! We were shown three clips from the twelve new episodes we'll be getting soon, and an incredible new trailer! Everyone in that room was so excited to be there and it was wonderful experiencing something like that alongside so many other fans who valued it as much as I did! Bringing out the rest of the cast towards the end was such a great touch!
    The Phantom Menace 20th Anniversary panel was another one filled with so many emotions and fans who really cared. The Prequels got so much hate for so long that it was wonderful seeing them get the love they deserve and being surrounded by people who love these movies so much! Getting to hear more about behind the scenes things and just about each of the actors' experience was awesome!

Cosplays & Meeting People

   There were so many incredible cosplays I saw of the course of the weekend, many of which I didn't have a chance to get pictures of, but it was awesome getting to see all the things people had worked so hard on! I also got the chance to meet so many people who I've interacted with because of the blog, cosplayers, artists, and fellow content creators! I even ran into Cathrine Taber in the lobby of Marriot connected to the convention center! She was so sweet, gave me a hug and stuck around to chat with me for a few minutes! It was such an awesome experience!! I also went The Dorky Diva meet-up that night and I ran into so many different people who I had wanted to meet for ages! I also found a couple people while wandering the floor of the convention (like Mckenna and Star Wars Theory!) and I even ran into M in the Celebration store! Each time I saw a familiar face or got to talk about something I loved with a fellow fan was just awesome! I loved talking about Qui-Gon with Brian, Rise of Skywalker with Charlotte and Caitlin, and Clone Wars with Melissa!! (along with so many other countless conversations!) It was wonderful finally
getting to shake hands with people who I've been talking and collaborating with for weeks or months, especially Savanna who
has been an incredible blessing and help to me as I've entered the world of blogging and podcasting, I would never have made it this far without all her advice and tips!

    Celebration Chicago is an experience I'll never forget! Even with my app not working and some of the organization not going quite as expected, I had a blast! I was glad they changed the rules about overnight queuing because it enabled me to attend so many more panels! Overall Celebration Chicago was a very positive experience! I met so many other fans who were nothing but polite and kind! It was awesome seeing how positive all the real fans are and that the haters and negative fans simply don't care enough to attend conventions like this. When Kelly Marie Tran and Ahmed Best walked on the stage, whether it be for a panel or an interview on the Star Wars Show Stage, they were greeted with an overwhelming wave of cheering and fans chanting their names in support! it was so wonderful not only to have them there but that the fans made it clear how supportive they are of them.
    It didn't matter whether a certain movie wasn't your favorite, or whether or not you like a character. We talked about the things we shared a love for and there was no need to even bother with the things we didn't share a common interest in because in the end all of us were there to Celebrate the amazing world of Star Wars.
    While I don't know if I'll be able to make it to Celebration Anaheim, I sure hope so! If Celebration Chicago was any sort of example for how Celebrations are then I can't wait to attend more!

    That's it for today, although you can definitely expect to see more from me discussing Celebration and all the news and information from it! What was your favorite part of Celebration? I'd love to hear from you! You can find me on Instagram (@theroguefangirls) or you can comment below, or you can email us at!

May The Force Be With You!
~ The Rogue Fangirls ~


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