Kat sits down to revive the Rogue Fangirls Podcast, talk about Season one of "The Mandalorian", and look forward to season two in the autumn!
Hey Everyone! Katie here! I'm sorry it's been so long since I've posted here on the blog or really even on Instagram. Although I got the chance to be on one of my absolute favorite podcasts recently, The Dorky Diva Show!! You can listen to that episode here and if you don't already listen to the show be sure to check it out! Savanna and Brian are wonderful and the show is so fun to listen too! Anyways, one of the reasons I haven't been as active on here as I would like to be is because I've just been feeling very uninspired and feeling like I don't belong in some of the circles I'm a part of. One thing that helps me a lot when I'm walking through a hard time is just to listen to a lot of music and read a lot, so of course, I found myself doing that. But it wasn't until today that one character, in particular, stuck out to me. Rose Tico. Now, Rose Tico is a very controversial character at the moment. Most people either lov...
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