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Star Wars Celebration Day Three (Sunday)

Hey Everyone! Katie here!

    Today was incredible, I met a couple people, found some amazing cosplayers, bought some super cool stuff, and went to an incredible panel!

  When we first got in this morning we decided to get in line for the Celebration store and we got through the line fairly quickly! There was tons of cool exclusive merch in the store and I picked up two plushies and got a picture with the massive loth-wolf in the store!


I bought a white loth-wolf for myself and a Vulpex for Cailey!

  After the Celebration store, we headed over to the HerUniverse booth where I picked up one of my favorite shirts from the Sisters of The Force collection, the Rey shirt! The shirt has one of my absolute favorite Star Wars quotes. The belonging you seek is not behind you, but ahead.

    Next, we walked around a bit and then headed over to Wintrust arena to watch Alan Tudyk's panel and wait for the Clone Wars Sneak Peak! Alan's panel was great and fun to watch, he and Warwick worked so well together and constantly kept us laughing! We moved around and got some good seats after the panel and waited for the Clone Wars one to start!

    The Panel Started with three of the cast members, Ashley Eckstein, Dee Bradley Baker, and Sam Witwer explaining how they found out that the Clone Wars was coming back. Meanwhile, Dave Filoni sighed and commented on how he was going to be putting up a nice moat around his trust tree.

We were shown a trailer and three exclusive clips along with tons of art and character designs!
Ahsoka's new design

One of the new characters!
And her sister!
Some art by Dave Filoni!

       The trailer and clips were absolutely incredible, and I cannot wait to see the new episodes! Sunday was an incredible day and I had a blast! I hope you guys enjoyed this little glimpse of my Sunday at Celebration and I hope to get a post up Monday recapping all of My Celebration experience!

    What was your favorite part of Celebration Chicago? I'd love to chat with you about your favorite cosplay, piece of merch, panel, or moment! You can find us on Instagram @theroguefangirls or email us at !!

                                        Until next time, May The Force Be With You!
                                                      ~ The Rogue Fangirls ~


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