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Star Wars Theory's Vader Fan Film: Review

Hey everyone! Katie here!

      Merry Christmas! The past few years we have aways had a Star Wars movie coming out in December. This year however, our Star Wars movie, Solo, came out in May. This left a kind of void in December that was normally filled by Star Wars. However, a YouTuber by the name of Star Wars Theory decided to change that, he put thousands of dollars, hundreds of hours, and gathered a group of talented people to create a fan film unlike any other we had seen before. And even better, he's just getting started.

This was only the first episode in a series of episodes he hopes to make and release on Youtube. This one, titled Vader: Shards of The Past was released December 4th. The film is very well put together and gives off the same vibe as many of the recent Vader comics. For a fan film it is extremely well done. Let's talk about it in a bit more detail though.

The Cast
  Many different people auditioned for the fan film but in the end, only one person could be chosen for each role. While none of the actors (or actress) could be exactly the same as their prequel and original saga counterparts many of them came extremely close.

Catherine LaSalle's Padmé  was amazing, she felt like Padmé and there didn't seem to be any awkwardness in playing the role. Her costume was amazing and she played her role beautifully. She was a wonderful choice for Padmé and I doubt Star Wars Theory could have found many other actresses who could have filled the role so perfectly.

Marik Knight not only has a name that could have come straight from Star Wars but he also has a promising career ahead of him. While he was by no means perfect he played the part well. He was also clearly enthusiastic about his role and seemed to give it his all.

Steven Bartlett (Sheev Palpatine) and Dupree Jones (Darth Vader) both played their characters well. There weren't any huge moments that jumped out to me as odd movement from their characters. Both did very good.

Bradley Klein's (Sheev Palpatine Voice) performance was good although unfortunately there were times where I felt his voice was just to different from Palpatine's as we know it and I felt my interest drifting away, his performance was by no means bad however and he is clearly talented.

Jesse Gomez (Darth Vader Voice) however blew me away. Together with Jones' acting talent Darth Vader came off as believable and menacing. Together they played a character who was a frightening monster, yet was suffering and trapped in his own mind.

Overall the cast was well picked and talented!

  My favorite set was definitely from the last scene on Naboo. While the others were still good they felt plain and squished at times. As though the actors had been locked in a closet to act out a scene. Seeing as it's a fan film and not a multi-million dollar Hollywood Blockbuster this is easily excused.

  The plot mostly focuses on Vader overcoming his past, with the end scene hinting a battle to come. I enjoyed the plot because it reminded me of the recent Vader comics and because it's always cool to get into someones head and see why they act a certain way. It made Vader feel a bit more human, although at times it felt a bit confusing. The film wasn't long, just over sixteen minutes in length, but the pacing was decent and I didn't feel like I was bored at any point. Overall I enjoyed the plot!

   Shards of The Past is pretty good as far as fan films go, definitely better then your average one. A lot of money was spent on it and a lot of people worked together to make it a reality. Star Wars Theory did well. However, in the end it isn't cannon. I'd have to rank it slightly above the Holiday Special. The film was well paced, the cast was talented, and Star Wars Theory's hard work turned his dream into a reality, and for that he deserves a round of applause. So, if you are looking for a fan filmed I'd definitely recommend this one. I hope you all enjoyed the film as well, let me know what you thought of it! I'd love to hear your opinions on different parts of the film! You can comment below, message us on Instagram (@theroguefangirls) or email us at Merry Christmas!

                                                May The Force Be With You,
                                                      The Rogue Fangirls       


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