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Fanart Feature

Hey everyone! 

Anytime We are on Pinterest, Instagram or anywhere online we are always finding amazing fanart from all different fandoms. Today, we are going to be sharing a few of our personal favorites with you!


Hannah is a good friend of ours and is always amazing us with her skills across multiple mediums!
Look at this Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) drawing!

What is your favorite media?
            While I love it all, my favorite media would probably be watercolor as well as alcohol-based markers.  

When did you first seriously get into art?
           The first time I really remember getting into art was when I designed my first character. She was a spy who was also a total dork, and she saved the world by accident here and there. I think I was 11, and I started writing her into a comic. I didn't get very far, but it was sure a fun project. I made a few covers for it and a couple character design folders. It was a blast and somehow I think I accidentally became her. (Oops XD)
And more Lara Croft! (Lara Croft fans here if you haven't figured that out already)

What is your favorite fandom?
            My favorite fandom (currently) would probably be Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban). It's beautiful and amazing and ugh, I love it so much!! It's a series of games about fighting for the truth and defending the innocent, plus a fantastic storyline with a plethora of amazing characters and developments. I can't seem to stop making fanart.

What is the best art tip you've ever received?
            The best tip? Imitate and grow. I'm not saying copy someone else's work, I'm talking about finding artists who inspire you. Observe what makes it beautiful/inspiring to you, and use this to pull yourself forward. And don't get discouraged. It's an ebb and flow, and whenever I'm dissatisfied, I can tell my standards are getting higher. Don't let that get you down, use it to your benefit.

What inspires you?
            I'm inspired by creation and especially people, I like to go out and sketch them. I sometimes sketch what I'm going through of people I talk to throughout the day. It's almost like a journal.  I also am inspired by the art of others, especially in video games. Even though I don't consider myself an intense gamer, I'm a bit of a hardcore fanart nerd. Those are just a few inspirations, thank you so much for asking me!!
And last but not least some Black Panther (MARVEL)

To find more of Hannah's amazing art check out her Instagram here! (@jazz_at_dusk)


Another one of our good friends, Marlene, is also an incredible artist. She draws all sorts of amazing things in a really cool and unique style (in fact she has done several character designs for Katie)

What is your favorite thing to draw?
               I love drawing illustrations for my friends' short stories. That's my favorite. But I also love doing fanart, scenery, and border designs. Like flowers. But I also love doing fanart, scenery, and border designs. Like flowers.

When did you first seriously get into art?
            I began drawing regularly when I was fifteen. Reading Shakespeare's plays actually inspired me to start drawing illustrations of characters.

Look at this dragon!!!

What is your favorite fandom?
            Aghhhh that's hard. I feel like I gain the most from the Chronicles of Narnia. Because of Aslan. But Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Percy Jackson, and HTTYD are definitely in the top ten.

Luke Skywalker (The Empire Strikes Back) on Dagobah

What is the best art tip you've ever received?
            Hmmm.. that's hard because art tips are difficult to apply to every form of art you draw. I think @jazz_at_dusk really hit the mark when she told me that even though my drawings aren't super accurate they're my style, and since then I've kind of owned it.

What inspires you?
            What inspires me is probably my friends and their amazing support! But also my want to re-create what I love. I'm not the best writer, so I kind of fill the void with drawing the characters I love rather than writing about them :) Everyone has their own talents. And they should expand and utilize them at every opportunity!


More of Marlene's beautiful art can be found on Instagram 


Katie stumbled upon Kylee's account not too long ago and was amazed by her Ahsoka and Rex art alongside her dedication to her OC, Raven.

When did you first come up with your OC Raven?

             I came up with Raven shortly after I finished watching the Clone Wars about one and a half years ago.
The evolution of her Star Wars OC

When did you first seriously get into art?

            I started getting into art as soon as I started my first years of school. I never stopped drawing.

Who is your favorite Clone Wars character?
            My favorite character is Ahsoka Tano. If not her, then Captain Rex.

Look at this amazing Ahsoka & Rex drawing!

What is the best art tip you've ever received?
             The best art tip I have ever received was to keep practicing art no matter what your picture looks like and how satisfied you are with your artwork.

What inspires you?
            Truthfully, social media and music inspire me.

You guys can check out more of Kylee's art, and learn more about her OC here! (and make sure you check out some of the cool t-shirt designs she has!)


Katie found Rebekah only a few weeks ago and quickly gave her a follow when she saw not only her amazing art but all of her creative OCs!

What is your favorite part about drawing OCs?
            My favorite part about drawing OCs is that there are no limits to what I can create.

Look at this Hera!! (Star Wars Rebels)
When did you first seriously get into art?
            I got serious about my art back in 2012-ish when I was in high school.

Who is your favorite Star Wars character?
            Darth Maul 

What is the best art tip you've ever received?
            The best art tip I’ve ever received was from my high school art teacher. He would always tell me to sketch loosely when starting out a project rather than bearing down with the pencil. 

Well, we all know Katie picked this one. She loves Rose!
What inspires you?
           Family is a big inspiration, the other artists in this community and pretty much anyone who is happy with and supports my work.

aww, look at these two!!
You can find more of Rebekah's art on her Instagram here!


We found Melissa a few weeks ago around the time We discovered the Dorky Diva blog and podcast

Digital or traditional art and why?
            Digital! Traditional art has taught me the basics of drawing which really makes me appreciate it, but getting into digital is like opening a new toolbox-there are so many different brushes, textures and ways of enhancing your art! I’m always learning something new when I draw digitally-which gets me excited to find the new things each day when I sit down to draw.

Three awesome MARVEL ladies here!
When did you first seriously get into art?
           I’ve always loved drawing since I was little, (I used to make paper dolls of Veggie tales and Barbie movies when I was a kid, haha!) but once I saw Disney/Pixar’s The Incredibles back in 2004, I knew I wanted to pursue it seriously. From that point on I did my best to improve and learn from my favorite artists-that movie really inspired me to work harder on my art!

What is your favorite Clone Wars episode?
           Oh my gosh, that’s a difficult question. I can’t pick one episode above all others, because I love all of them for different reasons-but one that comes to mind is the first episode of season five, Revival. I remember watching Obi-Wan going up against both Maul and Savage and freaking out because he owned that fight. The animation is just stellar in that scene. Plus, Obi-Wan is my favorite Star Wars character! I get so excited any time I get to watch him on screen. The guy has been through so much and he’s so strong…in a lot of ways, he’s like a role model for me. I could gush for hours over how much I love this show, It’s definitely my favorite animated series ever and I’m so excited for Its return!

Ahsoka walks away...

What is the best art tip you've ever received?
            The best art tip I ever got was to draw from your heart. It sounds very cheesy, but it’s true. Keeping my art authentic and coming from a real place helps me connect with others and I love that. It also keeps me honest with myself and I think that’s so important as a creative person.

Eugene, Rapunzel and...


What inspires you?     
           Other people! I get so excited when I see someone has a skill or talent that they are really good at:  it’s very inspiring and motivates me to work harder on drawing. I love talking to people and hearing about where they started and where they are now (or what they’re working towards!). Characters inspire me too. It’s so incredible that people can create characters for others to connect and relate too. That’s why you see a lot of Tony Stark, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka, etc, reflected in my work.

You can find more of Melissa's art on her Instagram here, and make sure you check out the Clone Wars pins she's designed they are really cool!!

Thanks for reading everyone and make sure you check out each of these amazing artists! Subscribe to our mailing list to receive updates for each time we post on here and check out our Instagram (@theroguefangirls) for the link to last month's podcast episode and subscribe to our Youtube so you know when our next episode comes out this month! If you have a request for a blog or podcast topic or any questions DM us on Instagram or comment here!

                                                                 May the Force be with you,
                                                                          The Rogue Fangirls


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