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Meet the Rogue Fangirls

            Hey everyone! Katie and Cailey here (AKA the Rogue Fangirls)
last Friday, we launched our first podcast episode on Youtube (Click Here to listen!) It's called Rose, Resistance, and Nerdy Ramblings. we talk about mostly Star Wars stuff (Including the Star Wars: Resistance trailer) although we are going to be talking about all different fandoms both here on the blog and in our monthly podcasts!
           First things first, you probably want to know a little more about us! We've been friends for about three or four years now and Star Wars actually played a large part in our becoming friends. We had talked a few time and knew the other existed but we definitely weren't friends. Well that all changed one day when I overheard Cailey talking with another kid my age about Star Wars. Well, from then on we talked to each other all the time and even (I'm a little embarrassed to admit, started a "Star War Club" and got together to watch the prequels and make crafts.)
This was our "Member's Handbook" cover it was awful
          Luckily we are a bit more professional these days (And I can edit) So, you are probably wondering a little more about us, so here is a bit more information.
           Hey everyone! Katie here! let me tell you a bit about myself. I'm in a lot of fandoms, the largest ones being Star Wars, Harry Potter, and the MCU. I'm also in a lot of other fandoms (or parts of fandoms) I've 'officially' been in the Star Wars fandom for about four years now but I have actually been in it a lot longer. (You wouldn't know it though because I'm one of the biggest nerds around) Some of my favorite characters from different fandoms are... Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games) Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars) The Pevensies (The Chronicles of Narnia) Mulan and Belle (Disney) and Loki (The MCU) One of my favorite things to do when entering a new fandom or even just watching a new show or movie is to find a character similar to me. I've learned a lot, not only about myself but about others while doing this. That is one reason why the character of Ahsoka Tano means so much to me. Two of my hobbies are writing (Fanfiction and original stories) and Photo editing (I'm sure you'll find one of my nerdy edits sooner or later) I also love doing fan art and just sitting and daydreaming!

            Hey everyone! My name is Cailey and I love to read, watch 80s films and explore many different fandoms... cherishing the ones that I find I connect with. I grew up with Star Wars, always picking return of the Jedi on VHS when it was a movie night, solely because Yoda was on the front cover... and he was my favorite character. Star Wars is ultimately what cultivated my love of 80s films and prompted me to explore mass amounts of 80s trivia and facts simply because it brought me joy. As I have explored films from this decade, I have found my all time favorites to be films such as Goonies, Back to the Future, and of course, Star Wars.
I have been a reader as long as I can remember. One of my earliest childhood memories is of my mom reading magicians nephew to me at the age of 2. Books like Narnia and Lord of the rings hold a very special place in my heart, and in more recent years I have come to love Harry Potter and the works of William Shakespeare. 
And I can never forget my love of Disney! There isn't a song I don't have memorized or memory I do not have one of those beloved films, old and new. It's hard to pick a favorite, but those who know me best will know that my love for Tangled is unparalleled. 
Other fandoms such as marvel, doctor who, and avatar the last Airbender (along with many many others), have a very special place in my heart. I believe that our fandoms have a way of bringing us to understand better who we are, and of teaching us valuable lessons about ourselves, hope, trust, and love. I know mine has! And this is what makes my fandoms valuable to me.

            So, now that you know a bit more about us (and know that Cailey is way better at introducing herself) it's time to tell you a bit more about what we will be doing. 
So our Podcast (The Rogue Fangirl Podcast) is on Youtube for now and will be a monthly podcast. We will try to rotate through different fandoms talking about any important news, new content, favorite characters, etc. If you have any requests for a fandom you want us to talk about let us know!
Our first Podcast!
On this blog, we will still be talking about different fandoms but we will also be reviewing movies and books, talking about different characters, and possibly even diving into crafts, cosplay, and geek fashion from time to time. If there is any BIG news in a large fandom after we have already released a podcast that month we may talk about that on here as well. We might even do an interview every now and again!

            Social Media:
If you are looking to find us on social media we have a Youtube channel (where our podcast is)an Instagram (Follow us to get blog and podcast updates) and a Pinterest account where you can find links to each blog post and podcast episode along with other things.

            Well, that's all for today, check back soon for new content or subscribe to our mailing list for updates! Katie will be reviewing the new Thrawn book soon (Thrawn: Alliances) in spoiler-free and spoiler-filled sections (so whether you've read it or not you can still read our review!) and we will be talking about Ashley Eckstein's book, It's Your Universe!
            We would also like to say a big thank you to Savanna Keifer whose own podcast and blog inspired us a lot and who has been helping us figure so much out as we started this blog and our podcast. So thank you, Master, we are very grateful padawans! Everyone should definitely check out Savanna's blog, The Dorky Diva, it's amazing and you can find her podcast there along with all of her other amazing content! 

                                              May the force be with you!
                                                        - the Rogue Fangirls




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