Hey everyone! Katie here! I was thinking about what I could do a post on while I finish up Thrawn: Alliances and the idea of picking a few of my favorite Her Universe items quickly came to mind. Now, they sell hundreds of item so narrowing that down could be hard, so I decided to pick two items I own and two I'd like to own. Her Universe is one of my personal favorite brands because they make such good quality clothing for fangirls (and more recently fanboys) I was super excited when I found out about Her Universe because (like a lot of fangirls) I was sick of buying boys and size XS men's shirts. Her Universe has stylish, feminine, nerdy clothes (and not just shirts) Plus, it was started by Ahsoka Tano herself, Ashley Eckstein! Now, I could go on and on about Ashley Eckstein (any of you who know me well know how much she inspires me and how amazing I think she is) but, this post is about clothes, so, here we go... Star Wars Ahsoka Da...