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Showing posts from August, 2018

Katie's Top Four Her Universe Items

Hey everyone! Katie here! I was thinking about what I could do a post on while I finish up Thrawn: Alliances and the idea of picking a few of my favorite Her Universe items quickly came to mind. Now, they sell hundreds of item so narrowing that down could be hard, so I decided to pick two items I own and two I'd like to own. Her Universe is one of my personal favorite brands because they make such good quality clothing for fangirls (and more recently fanboys) I was super excited when I found out about Her Universe because (like a lot of fangirls) I was sick of buying boys and size XS men's shirts. Her Universe has stylish, feminine, nerdy clothes (and not just shirts) Plus, it was started by Ahsoka Tano herself, Ashley Eckstein!             Now, I could go on and on  about Ashley Eckstein (any of you who know me well know how much she inspires me and how amazing I think she is) but, this post is about clothes, so, here we go... Star Wars Ahsoka Da...

Meet the Rogue Fangirls

            Hey everyone! Katie and Cailey here (AKA the Rogue Fangirls) last Friday, we launched our first podcast episode on Youtube  (Click Here to listen!)  It's called Rose, Resistance, and Nerdy Ramblings. we talk about mostly Star Wars stuff (Including the Star Wars: Resistance trailer) although we are going to be talking about all different fandoms both here on the blog and in our monthly podcasts!            First things first, you probably want to know a little more about us! We've been friends for about three or four years now and Star Wars actually played a large part in our becoming friends. We had talked a few time and knew the other existed but we definitely weren't friends. Well that all changed one day when I overheard Cailey talking with another kid my age about Star Wars. Well, from then on we talked to each other all the time and even (I'm a little embarrassed to admit, started a "Star War C...